Damsels in Distress (2011)
Once again the cinema has conjured up a reflection of the real world that I find preferable to the real world. There is something relatable about this movie, yes, but at the same time, it stirred yearnings in me. On one hand, I know all of these people. College is full of hypocritical yuppies, sad-sack whiners, well-meaning idiots, and so on. Except, the aforementioned in real life do not hang posters of Grand Illusion and Lola Montes in their dorms. Nor do I believe it possible to seduce a love interest with my cinematic knowledge as is done in this movie. And for that matter, no one has tried to start an international dance craze or improve hygiene standards, although we do have a counseling center, albeit one that does not serve donuts and put on dance shows. Although Seven Oaks University is hardly ideal, and I found myself making a checklist of the things I really hate about collegiate life, it is an ideal that can only exist in the cinema. There is that grand world building on display here by Stillman, and the world he created in this movie is so focused and singular I felt it had to be real, and I wanted to crawl up and live inside of this movie. And I fell for Violet Wister, too. Her friends, not so much, but they were delightful. Also, I am not surprised to find out that Stillman attended Harvard, because I really swear I have seen scenes like this on the street.
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