The Hidden Hand: Alien Contact and the Government Cover-Up (2013)

I have always been both afraid of, and fascinated by aliens. In the fifth grade, I would lie in bed terrified of impending abductions that never came. During high school I was obsessed with The X-Files, and dreamed of being a real life Fox Mulder. So it is no surprise that as soon as I saw the trailer for The Hidden Hand, I had to see it for myself. Featuring luminaries such as Whitley Streiber, and David Icke, The Hidden Hand is a documentary that really makes you scratch your head. The material on display here, ranging from anal probing to alien-human hybrids, shape shift-reptilians to mysterious implants, defies all logic as we know it. These people have to be crazy, right? The answer is probably not. I am not saying that greys from billions of light-years away, or reptilians from the lower fourth-dimension are among us, but rather that what we see in this film is the ages-old, all-consuming need for some sort of narrative by which the world can be explained. Those who claim to have been abducted by aliens are usually the survivors of some sort of trauma, and the alien abduction is a way to make themselves comfortable with what happened. In a way, director James Carman's all-out acceptance of the wacky-tabbacky things going on in here is indicative of his own need for some grand explanation. Maybe these people are telling the truth, who knows? But I think what is more frightening than the idea of aliens kidnapping people for bizarre experiments, is the idea that we really do not know for sure. So much of the universe remains unknown to us, and some people just cannot accept that. On a purely critical level, The Hidden Hand is rather underwhelming, and serves more as a primer to the UFOlogist neophyte than for those seriously interested in the subject. But it does have a kickass theme song, so there is always that.


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